Saturday, January 24, 2015

Mark 3, 20-21

Bible Jerusalem: 20. and the crowd came together again, so that they could not even eat. 21. And when his family heard it, they went out to seize him, for people were saying, "He is beside himself."

Reflection: Come Holy Spirit , guide us, help us understand your word, glory and praise to you that you are the king of kings. Jesus was completely in the desire of every day, that was his life , preaching, healing the sick and away to pray, do not be worried about eating . We have that mission if we should give us we seem to Jesus to others and daily feed their presence so always give them , those who need love, understanding, praying for them , listening to them , giving them words of encouragement, entering the madness of evangelization although we criticize . Dear brother if you feel tired, rest in the arms of Jesus that he will comfort you . [ ... ] Dear friends , even among the relatives of Jesus there were some who at some point did not share their way of living and preaching the Gospel tells us this. But his mother always faithfully followed , keeping your gaze fixed his heart in Jesus, the Son of the Most High , and its mystery. And finally, thanks to the faith of Mary, Jesus' family became part of the first Christian community. "( SS Francisco , August 18, 2013 ) .

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